VIP Only (2023) Episode 8

Category: VIP Only (2023)

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7 Comments to “VIP Only (2023) Episode 8

  1. I knew that woman was gonna show up with her hand out again and trying to lay some lame azz guilt trip on him.🙄

  2. Gu Jing and the teaching assistant were so out of their usual cool self, competing over petty stuff 😅

    Liu Li was very brave to confront Gu Jing about his feelings for him but Gu Jing decided to retreat due to his mom’s debt issue. While I was wondering how would Liu Li get to know that Gu Jing didn’t really mean what he said, Ren came to the rescue 🤗

    It was cool of Liu Li to graciously reject the teaching assistant 🙃 Sorry, I don’t feel bad for him at all 🤭

    Preview: 🥵 🔥

  3. Spoilers
    Baby Liu Li to FINALLY understand his own heart, and be so joyful about his decision, only to be HARSHLY shot down by Gu was incredibly hurtful. That look on his face when Gu told his mom they were not friends was heartbreaking.

    I LOVE that he is eating his sorrows with noodles (in the US films it’s always ice cream. lol)
    He’s so lost, he’s imagining him there in the apartment with him. sniffle…
    But the frozen beef noodles in the freezer was kinda hilarious. I mean, Gu must think Liu Li will starve, cuz it was jam packed full! lol

    I’m glad that Gu told his mom to basically jump in the lake, and I really hope this time she stops coming to him for money. He really has to say NO all the time. Not just on his birthday. smh

    Next week looks hopeful!

  4. I really hate Gu’s mum, guilt tripping his son to help her with her debt issues just because she gave birth to him is insane. The mother didn’t raise him and she had the audacity to “forget” her son’s birthday. She really deserves a nice whooping. Liu being heartbroken and only eating noodles was refreshing to see, over here, heartbroken people in movies eat junk and stay in bed until they stink. I really love how Li set everything clear with the teaching assistant. I’m very excited for the next episode, the preview was tempting 💋💋