Woori The Virgin (2022) Episode 14

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67 Comments to “Woori The Virgin (2022) Episode 14

  1. This is the best ending for the story. I think writer nd whole cast did the great job. Totally enjoy the drama.

  2. NO SHE DID NOT JUST DO THAT ?????? I am literally cryingggg wft this is the worst ending ever even more then the nevertheless ?who ever did this drama didn’t woke up well ??I’m so mad I watched it this will be top1 do not recommended to watch it

  3. It has a fair ending because everyone is happy and even Raphael accepted Woori’s decision because he knew that it was best for her. Besides, Kang Jae has been with Woori from the beginning. KJ respected Woori and never crossed the line. He even wished for Woori’s happiness after they broke up what a selfless action. He still gave the love she could give to Woori even he expects nothing in return. GREAT ENDING!

  4. This is the worst Korean drama I’ve ever watched. The female lead has many good dramas but this one ruined that image. Never been so disappointed in my life. Worst storyline ever. The only interesting part was only about Chairman Kim, it’s the only thing that made sense in this whole drama. I even watch the last episode

  5. a grandpa who is a actor,a grandma who is a singer,2 dads ,one is a millionaire the other is a detective ,the great grandma is a best chef and the mum is a pretty ,gorgeus and smart script writer….THIS CHILD IS BLESSED …I LOVE IT ,….i love it either way,its a fair ending

  6. This is the worst ending I’ve ever come across
    I was rooting for Raphael, the writers just messed the whole drama up!!!!!!

  7. Not all K-series has a beautiful ending. I voted for KJ during their battle to Woori’s ❤️…. ? My POV from the story, Kang Jae deserves her. He’s been always there for WooRi. From the start, they’re already in love with each other. Raphael came in, who’s in Wooris past .. Raphael is just the Mr. Dreamboy of everyone. Admit it to yourself… ?

  8. Please, don’t let people confuse you not to watch. Our way of thinking is quit different. For me, I totally love the ending and it very fair. I don’t understand why people disappointed, kang jae deserves her than any other person, his loves for her is so strong that very rare. So, if you think normally you will realize how perfect the drama ends.

  9. Squid game was the first Kdrama I ever watched and I really enjoyed it. As I didn’t know much about kdramas I felt like maybe only few of Kdramas were as good as Squid game so I stopped watching Kdramas for a bit but then one of the most special person in my life recommended me some more kdramas which I watched and really liked them. I am really sad to say this but it’s been nearly a year now and I have watched many kdramas within this time but never have I ever got so disappointed with any drama like I have got with this. Tbh, I wasn’t feeling great since the 1st episode but I thought it’s just the starting it will get better with new episodes and was better still not that good compared to other dramas that I have watched but the ending was even worse. I mean the writers make us love the chemistry between Raphael and Woori more than the chemistry between Kang and Woori but in the end it was all dumped to trash. She told she wants the best for the baby and liked both Kang and Raphael equally so to me it doesn’t make any sense for her to choose Kang over Raphael . No doubt this is the worst Kdrama since I first started kdramas(approx 1 year). If anyone is even planning to watch this drama pls don’t you will end up regretting it later. Just don’t watch this drama for your own sake.

  10. okay i was like omg she should have ended up with raphel… but the ending doesnt seem that lame anymore.. so i m happy.

  11. This was only fair as Kang gave was there first. In the original show we all wanted her to end up with Michael.

  12. Literally I don’t know what’s the problem with the watchers here… Whenever the Second Lead don’t get a girl ,they feel so bad and call it a Second Lead Syndrome.Then you should be happy here that FL chooses the best for her.
    Anyways,I believe everyone has their own opinion and I respect it but just don’t say it a disgusting ,worse ending or waste of time and etc..etc..You should be happy to know that this drama got a happy ending and baby is also healthy and cute.I also wished best for Raphael but he is happy having baby side by him .So just appreciate the fact and let it be.:-D

  13. Disappointing…. Maybe there will be more seasons like with the OG series. Well, hopefully ( fingers x).

  14. I mean in the OG show she chose Raphael because they were “meant to be” since it was a crazy coincidence that they got pregnant and, if not for that, they might never have met. So fate was trying so hard to bring them close, and they fell for each other as well, it just makes sense. She wouldn’t have fallen for him if she was in love with the detective still. But for this Drama, the super gooey cheesy af stretched out ending just makes things worse. We’re all rooting for Raphael obv and he is the clear male lead so of course we all root for him. But seems like the writers wanted it this way so, well ok.

  15. It is fair beacues Woori and Raphael was stranger but there had met each other before but Woori boyfriend love her and he want to get married to Woori and lm so happy for those two at the end but Raphael will be there for the baby

  16. This is for the first time SL got FL .. I’m so happy, it’s true that Sung hoon was a main character but I agree he deserves better.Anyway it’s not that bad…I love the ending tbh ,they also look so adorable together:)
    I’m a bit disappointed but still It’s not regretful because of this drama I laughed and as well as cried a lot.So I can say I love this drama so far>>>

  17. This is for the first time SL got FL .. I’m so happy, it’s true that Sung hoon was a main character but I agree he deserves better.Anyway it’s not that bad…I love the ending tbh ,they also look so adorable together:)
    I’m a bit disappointed but still It’s not regretful because of this drama I laughed and as well as cried a lot.So I can say I love this drama so far>>>

  18. Tf is with all the hate. You sound so immature and stupid with your reasoning of her not choosing Raphael. Just because hes the father of the child doesn’t mean she should be in a life-long commitment with him. That was literally the point of her rejecting his proposal because thats not what SHE wants. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  19. I thought the end game is Raphael as it was in the billing. What a worse ending. Waste of time watching.

  20. Tbh, im really disappointed with the ending.. Just the fact that she chose Kang Jae over Raphael (who is the father of THEIR baby) makes me even more annoyed. She kept on saying that she wanted the best for their baby but shes the one who ends up making things worse. Woori and Raphael had more chemistry compared to her and kang jae (imo), they actually made my heart flutter.. Actually it wouldve been better if she didnt pick any of them, it wouldve hurt me less. Anyways, im not really satisfied with the ending and i hope they make a S2 to clear things up

  21. Was so disappointing as it did not make sense. He did not want the baby. How could she forget that. The ending did not make any sense. I felt there was more chemistry with Raphael. He is charming and would have been the right choice ugh

    1. Are you fucking dumb. He does want the baby and the reason she rejcted Raphael’s proposal was because thats not what she wanted. She doesn’t want to be with someone who thinks it right to be together just for the child. Youre so fucking stupid. use your critical thinking

  22. What the f, this is so disappointing. What a terrible ending she should have chosen Raphael instead of that detective. Things doesn’t just add up, she suddenly doesn’t love Raphael and have chosen the detective?

  23. i havent watched this episode yet… but can yall give me a spoiler … who does she chose? coz if its not who i want … ahhh i need to be prepared or smth..

    1. i just read a spoiler from google… n she choses the detective… i mean its alright.. but i lowkey wanted raphel… they just had an amazing, entertaining chemistry together…. but i m still happy she chose the detective.. since i didnt see a point exactly why they broke up but yea…

    1. Very disappointed ?
      I feel like it doesn’t make sense, because all of a sudden she doesn’t love Raphael anymore ?

      1. exactly..right after brk up she fell for rapheal..and after sometimes her love for kang jae woke up!!!lameee