Blind (2022)

Blind (2022)

Ryu Sung Joon, Ryu Sung Hoon and Jo Eun Ki become involved in a serial murder case involving jury members as the victims. These three individuals try to uncover the truth behind the deaths.

Ryu Sung Joon works as an enthusiastic detective. He is always determined to catch the bad guys. Due to his determination, his arrest rate is always among the top for detectives. His older brother is Ryu Sung Hoon and he works as a judge. Ryu Sung Hoon is a perfectionist and smart enough to have passed the bar exam with the top score and graduated at the top of his class at the Judicial Research and Training Institute. He is an upright man who does his best to impart a fair judgement. Jo Eun Ki works as a social worker. She has a warm heart and is full of justice. She always puts people first and tries to be a reliable guardian to children who come from poor backgrounds.

Director: Shin Yong Hwi [신용휘]

Also known as: 블라인드 Beullaindeu



Release Year:

Air Date: Sep 16, 2022

Genres: , , , , ,

Starring: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Blind (2022) trailer:

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53 Comments to “Blind (2022)

  1. I have a lot to say about this one.

    *Spoiler alert*
    I loved this drama through and through. From the very first episode your eyes are locked on the screen and you’re at the edge of your seat. The complete grip this had around my throat was insane- I was always itching for the next episode. At first I thought that this police/investigation drama was like all the others you’ve seen before: someone gets murdered and the detective in charge has anger management issues. I had pretty much figured out that the culprit was Jung In-Seong as he was social and friendly yet never *really* saying anything. He was always around and up in people’s business without revealing much about himself. I honestly thought I had this whole drama figured out. Boy was I wrong. I had never imagined that Jung In-Seong actually was Jung Yoon-Jae, the notorious number 13. The psychological mind-fuck you experienced with this drama was insane, terrifying and yet incredible. I realized there was no point trying to guess and figure out things ahead of the characters as we only obtain information as Ryu Sung-Joon does. I had never ever thought Ryu Sung-Hoon was involved as a culprit, I had thought he was a flat character and I was SHOCKED to learn that there was not one culprit but three culprits working together: number 11, 12 and 13 and that Ryu Sung-Hoon actually was the one who had been at the welfare center while Ryu Sung-Joon HAD NOT. Everything with the numbers and who was who and who had done what was so confusing because it kept changing, all because we didn’t know Ryu Sung-Joon’s memories were faked. The manipulation of Ryu Sung-Joon’s memories and identity was such a brilliant idea and was so intelligently executed with subtle hints displayed in one episode at a time before it finally hit you what had happened and who was who. This drama had been feeding us bread crumbs which was why nothing made sense before towards the end. This drama truly had so many plot-twists that made it so unique while depicting a really raw and tragic story. I read a lot of people thinking the ending was sad, but I truly think that it was the best ending this drama could have had. It saddens me that two of the three culprits had died before having a trial or before they could live to see the truth revealed: but then again, did people really think they would have been able to walk from what they had done in a couple of years or even 30? Had they all been alive, they could have been given the death penalty, but Ryu Sung-Hoon was given life-imprisonment BECAUSE these children were victims before they became offenders. This was honestly the best case scenario for Ryu Sung-Hoon. However, I cant help but feel so sad for Ryu Sung-Joon who probably lost the most of them all: his brother, his identity, his memories, his parents: all in the pursuit of the ugly truth. People have to try and comprehend just how complex trauma can be and I think that Ha Seok-Jin and Park Ji-bin did a fantastic job at bringing their characters to life. (as we hear most about Ryu Sung-Hoon and Jung Yoon-Tae). The fact that the children didn’t grow up and become loving, healthy, healed individuals is the truth. People who experience abuse, trauma and neglect often fantasizes about revenge as a motivation to stay alive and endure what is happening. I think it would have been wrong for the show to have ended with all three culprits walking away or for Ryu Sung-Joon and Ryu Sung-Hoon to have grown stronger or even to have kept their same relationship. It would have been dishonest. Not every drama can have a happy ending with pink skies and rainbows. This drama told a very heavy and traumatic story of children being robbed of their individuality, their sanity and their childhood and they owe it to the story to not beat around the bush or attempt to sweep it under the rug just to make sure every character has a happy ending. Truth be told, these kids would probably never have had good lives as their trauma would have followed them around while knowing that the truth of what happened never would’ve have come out unless they did something. Ryu Sung-Hoon and Jung Yoon-Tae probably knew that they had never been free, even as adults. That’s why I think the two last scenes of the final episode were two of the most important ones. The scene where Ryu Sung-Hoon walks in through the prison bars as a child and exits as an adult symbolizes that his mind had escaped the welfare center in which it had been trapped for 20 years. The scene was beautiful and was a visualization of Ryu Sung-Hoon finding peace within himself that the truth had set him free. Likewise the scene were the rest of the found children with numbers play football and they made an edit where it looks like the children with the numbers 7, 11, 12 ,13, 24, just playing around being kids and being set free.
    *THAT* is the happy ending: the children being set free and the truth being revealed.

    All loose ends were tied and no one got to walk away without facing the ugly truth and/or lawful convictions or sins to carry with them.

    This drama is one of the best I have ever seen and DEFINITELY one of the best of 2022.
    If you have not watched this drama, you are absolutely missing out on great characters and an even greater storyline/ storytelling.

    This drama is a truly beautiful work of art.

    Rating: 10/10 across the board.

  2. I knew from the beginning it was Sung Hoon, all the jurors were connected to Hope Welfare Centre & making a such a jury of connected people isn’t possible without a Chief Judge’s master plan.

      1. Why are you even there on the comment section if you want to enjoy the drama really? Looking for clues in comment section even before watching the drama and then asking for banning a normal comment which was posted right after the series so it’s clearly not a spoiler, seriously dude?! Get some life.

          1. Putting a *spoilers* warning would have been nice. I was really looking forward to watching this but not anymore, thanks a lot ?

        1. Congrats on proving yourself as an absolute fucking moron by not putting a spoilers headline, people come to see the comments for reviews on whether its worth a watch or not, not to know who the end villain is. Again, youre a fucking moron.

    1. what the fuck you dumb bitch. your comment is literally the first one you see and you have to scroll down to click episode 1 so you completely ruin it for anyone trying to start this drama.

    2. You are literally such a moron. What you commented is a spoiler regardless of whether the series has ended or not because they are people out there that have not watched the series yet! And you completely ruined it for them!

  3. Really the drama is so unpredictable as we don’t know that at which point the drama will change the table. So enjoyed watching this drama. ✨

  4. At Last i am proud ? that we found the real culprit in episode 12 ending. I predicted ? that who the culprit will be in episode 8. And i am happy that my suspicion on the sweet boy Jung In Seon was correct. Now, is am i able to become a detective or should i apply for police department to catch criminal ?.
    Your Since Vagabond ?.

    Over all everyone us suspicious in start. My suspect list per according to episode;

    The Heroin Kidnapper
    Manager An tae ho
    The Judge
    Mad Dog
    The Sheff
    The Judge
    The Sheff
    The Sweet Boy Jung In Seo

  5. The thrill I’m getting from this drama, is unexplainable, like just when you think you have it figured out… You just find that you were sooo wrong, I love this drama✌

    1. You got it wrong ?. Have you noticed ? in episode 7 that the sweet looking boy with glasses ? stood and asked that he wants to go to mens rest room since after watching the episode I also didn’t focused ? on him….. Then the scene diverted towards Procecuter ? and our mind think that he is the killer. Maybe the blood ? on his hand at the end of episode 7 is it because of he wanted to save the girl but didn’t and realized that he can’t save the girl and then escaped from the wedding ? room…….

      In all these scene we didn’t focused ? on the missing of person who stood off from table and asked to go for men’s room …..
      Maybe ? he is the one who mixed something in the drink and also killed the wedding girl ?

      1. Yes your right i think that boy with glass is the killer and i think he is the one that shaman saw when he was young

      2. No! that sweet boy is the missing son of the store owner, which the detective called mother. for sure He’s also one of the kids who were
        tortured in the hope facility

  6. I think that the kid with the glasses who is becoming sweet in everyone eyes and used to be work at company… Maybe he turned out to be the killer cuz in most of the crime thrilled drama the killer is the one on which we don’t give much attention and suddenly the writer surprised us with the person we are not thinking to be the villain turned out to be a bad person…..

    1. Me waiting till all episodes get uploaded b4 watching causeci honestly can’t stand the agony of waiting to see what’s happening next


  7. All the kids whim tires to escape is living ,
    1- detective 2- jury person with glasses 3- jury person whom was limping 4- jury person the chef
    Other person I have no idea