Eve (2022) Episode 13
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Eve (2022) full episodes
Eve (2022) Episode 16
3 years ago -
Eve (2022) Episode 15
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Eve (2022) Episode 14
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Eve (2022) Episode 13
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Eve (2022) Episode 12
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Eve (2022) Episode 11
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Eve (2022) Episode 10
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Eve (2022) Episode 9
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Eve (2022) Episode 8
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Eve (2022) Episode 7
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Eve (2022) Episode 6
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Eve (2022) Episode 5
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Eve (2022) Episode 4
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Eve (2022) Episode 3
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Eve (2022) Episode 2
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Eve (2022) Episode 1
3 years ago
I kinda feel bad for him, the timing on her part was off. The chairman’s heart is tearing a part, that is clear at the end, there is a struggle between his heart and mind…. T, T
So done with drama…
I actually feel a little bad for him. he’s crazy for her and cant stop loving but cant be with her either. their families deserve it but i hope the two of them heal from their past and find peace
So Kang Yoon Kyumg is a women beater??? OHHH HHELLL NAH. Put him in the dusty pack. How dare him. And La El, this was an opportunity for her to face him proudly but instead , she gets over taken like this? she will never be the person she sees in her dreams/nightmares.
I really wish she could beat people ass just like the girl from my name, I wouldn’t be so worried about her if I knew she could defend herself because the chairman is not done yet he’s gonna whoop her ass again.We need to hope that she’s gonna get rescued or that she will held her own with him cause that man is mad.
Look Lee ra el is in huge danger now that the chairman kang know everything.This all company is supposed to be Lee ra el inheritance they are all bad people the chairman kang knew that han so ra family are terrible and that they do terrible things to people he decide to ignore it which means that he’s just as bad so y’all better not defend him.He deserve everything he got from Lee ra el.So she better not end up with man who can beat her up like that.
He is also responsible he know about the blood document he knew it was illegal that why he’s mad.
THANK GOD i hope to god she doesn’t end with the chairman
when he found out , my GOD so satisfying to watch, I love that turning part of dramas but am always so nervous
When is episode 14 dropping ?
I have so many emotions tuning through me rn when is episode 14 dropping because I can’t breathe ?
Bro I feel bad for him he never did anything wrong
yeah same…. i wish she told him about everything though, feel like it would’ve softened the blow. I was so scared when he threw her damn, i hope they work it out and it comes out that he had nothing to do with it.. Was it not So Ras father who killed her dad though cos the man who murdered him worked for her father, no? and that same guy who killed her dad only joined LY after the fact so i don’t understand why he has the contract and is supposedly the one who committed it
Your right he shouldn’t have the contract in the first place the one who killed her father should have it unless their could be a huge twist and turns out that he is also responsible of her father’s DEATH
subtitles when please??
mfs drop the subtitles already!!
please post subtitles!!!!!
Wooh! Intense, tho I hardly understand what they’re saying. I’ll just watch it again when the subtitle is up.