Mouse (2021)

Mouse (2021)

Other name: 마우스 Mauseu

Synopsis: A gripping story set in a world in which people can identify psychopaths using a DNA test of a fetus in the womb.

Jung Ba Rum is an honest and kind novice police officer who believes in justice. After a confrontation with a serial killer-psychopath whose ruthless murders have terrified the entire country, his life completely changes.

Go Mu Chi is an accomplished detective whose parents were murdered when he was young. Since then, the goal of his life has been to find the killer and avenge the death of his parents. To catch the criminals, Go Mu Chi is ready to resort to any means, not caring about the law or the rules.

Oh Bon Yi is a troubled high school student who lives with her grandmother and is well versed in martial arts. Every time she bumps into neighbor policeman Jung Ba Rum, they start to bicker with each other in a funny way.

Choi Hong Joo is a talented director and producer known as “Sherlock Hong Joo.” She also holds a secret that connected her to a murderer as a child.

Broadcast from 03.03.2021 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 22:50

Also known as: 마우스 Mauseu



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Mouse (2021) trailer:

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62 Comments to “Mouse (2021)

  1. Please can someone recommend a mystery thriller like this one cause this is one of the best I’ve seen so far………

  2. This drama leaves me confused.

    *Spoiler alert*
    I had seemingly high expectations for this drama. It’s been on my list since I started watching K dramas but just never got around to it. It is considered one of the dramas you must watch. I don’t disagree, but I have seen better. This drama is by no means bad. In my opinion, this drama has two main faults. 1. It got too complicated. No one can appreciate a mind-fuck more than me, but this was too much. Too much in a way where it doesn’t even make sense in the end. They implemented a lot of twists and they carefully build up a narrative that was believable and still shocking. However, when I finally felt like I understood what was going on they changed the whole narrative to remain unpredictable. The fact that Sung Yo-Han was the killer and his motives for murder was already shocking. The few clips we saw where he was acting out on his killer instinct and then his mother trying to kill him made sense in its own twisted way. But then toward the end, they showed the same clips but in another context, and that kind of ruined it for me.It got too unnecessarily complicated which actually had me bored for a few episodes because I couldn’t understand it enough to appreciate what was going on. They could absolutely have told a great story without the twists in the end. 2. They tried to tell everyone’s story. I have seen a lot of K dramas, and especially a lot in this genre and I have seen it done with fewer characters where the experience was phenomenal, so I know it is more than possible. I wish they would have stuck to Go Mu-chi, Jung Ba-Reum, and Sung Yo-Han. In the end, I realized we as viewers didn’t really know Sung Yo-Han other than the testimonies given by the people he impacted. An underappreciated character I found really interesting was his “mom” Sung Ji-Eun. I think the actor playing this role did a brilliant job of displaying her personal dilemma. How truly gutwrenching and scary it must have been to know you’re carrying the child of a serial killer against your will. I can understand the reasoning and the psychology behind switching the children so that it would be easier to kill the other person’s child. I know she truly did see Sung Yo-Han as her actual son, and I am sorry for her that she didn’t get to see him exonerated. I knew with a drama like this, that there was no such thing as a happy ending. The question was more so: how tragic are we talking? Obviously, Go Mu-chi lost more than he realized he had. I applaud this drama for depicting and including difficult and generally regarded shameful emotions. While Go Mu-chi’s brother had found peace in his faith Go Mu-chi didn’t want to let go of his anger. I think he could, if he wanted to, but he chose not to. It took him a long time to slowly redirect that anger and use it for good. He had finally found a friend and a brother in Jung Ba-Reum. I think throughout this drama he had been wanting to slow down, he had been wanting to find peace, he had been wanting to have friends to lean on and in the end that is why it took him so long to believe where the evidence had led him. It turned out that Jung Ba-Reum was the actual killer. Now pretty much every police drama has a murder investigation, but what made this drama so special and so different from any other was that not only were the other characters and the viewers kept in the dark, but for a time being, even the killer himself. His accident and brain surgery had allowed him to forget what he had done and who he was before and now he was forced to re-remember his crimes but with emotions. I think it was a very powerful scene where Jung Ba-Reum goes to church as a child, knowing he is different, knowing he’s “bad” and asking to be saved. I think a lot of people struggle with faith. Some people struggle to keep on believing and some struggle to believe at all. And yet, when things start falling apart and life gets overwhelming the majority of us go to seek comfort in something that’s bigger than us in hopes it holds the answers that we’re chasing. The lack of answers from God led Jung Ba-Reum to hate him and so he dedicates every murder to showing God he’s upset. His anger is driven by it being unfair that he had to be born different. That he had to be born as a psychopath while everyone else got to be saved and to be normal. He hadn’t done anything wrong and yet he was still faced with an unreasonable punishment, so the motive for his murders was to punish people who lived righteously to show them and God that if he could be punished when he done nothing wrong, then so can and so shall everyone else also. At every murder scene, he made sure a cross was always visible unless the murder wasn’t planned and he would then cut on a victim’s body part to make a cross and then break the victim’s fingers so it looked like the victim was giving the finger to God. I know Korea is a religious country, although a few different beliefs are accepted and thus I applaud the bravery it took to make a drama that challenges the beliefs that God is good and that God always listens and more importantly, answers. I am sure a lot of us have felt anger towards God or whomever or whatever we believe for not obeying our demands, but that feeling and that experience are rarely portrayed because it’s considered wrong and sinful to feel that way. As Jung Ba-Reum started to remember what he did and moreover started to feel bad I was torn. I could feel the emotional pain he was feeling, but the real stab in the gut was to remember that those emotions weren’t his. As a psychopath, it wasn’t his place to feel emotions. I was actually a little bit on the fence about whether or not Oh Bong-Yi would forgive him. She flushed out evidence that he killed her rapist and I wasn’t sure if that was enough of a reason for her to still stay with him despite killing her grandma. However, in the end, Jung Ba-Reum ended up dying alone and in a lot of pain from the transplant he had gotten. It was a very powerful last scene. Him meeting himself as a child in the church that started it all. Having emotions saved him from being a psychopath, a monster, a killing machine with no ties to the human world. And while they saved him, they also killed him. Both literally in the form of the brain transplant, but also in a metaphorical sense where the guilt ended up eating him alive like a mouse chewing its way out of capture. I was disappointed that with so many revealings to be had, they decided to cram all of it into the last episode especially because they had lots of time but instead they used said episodes to make their far-stretched new narratives believable. Even when I started the last episode I had a lot of questions and I felt annoyed that they hadn’t given many answers and even in the end I was still a bit confused but understood overall what had happened.

    This drama had a tragic ending, but justice was served. I really wanted to give this a 10/10 but the flaws disturbed my experience too greatly for me to be able to call it flawless.

    Rating: 9/10

    1. Quite curious about how the f**k did you find the time and the nerve to write all this sh*t? Personally, never allow myself reading the comments without finishing the whole series first. But I see you’re such a desperate person to get some attention even though it might be hatred.

  3. DON’T SCROLL DOWN bc some trick-ass bitch spoiled the whole entire fucking drama with her loud ass fucking mouth. just read the summary or look for one online instead of going down in the comments. please watch the drama, be careful though bc its explicit and violent, not for the faint of heart.

  4. This drama is one of a kind, the story line is perfect, i love it, though i was disappointed how Jang Ba rum turned out to be the murderer, it was so heart breaking. i recommend it,
    this creativity is extra ordinary, hats off for the creators, actors and actresses and to the entire Korea.

    1. literally fuck you for not marking this as a spoiler LMAO you ruined the drama for me before i could even start-

      1. LMFAO same thing happened to me 2 days ago but I just firmed it and watched it anyways even though I know who the killer is I’m still shocked at what happens. plus its very obvious he’s the killer he’s not good at hiding it…. and I’m only 8 eps in. watch it anyways. BTW FLORENCE COUNT YOUR DAYSSSS!!!!!!!!

        1. Literally so mad. Was only scrolling down to get to the first episode and this shit is the first thing I see. Ruined before I could start.

      2. If your getting mad about the person who spoiled it then why tf did you read it in the first place. like you could’ve scrolled down n not read it?

    2. You fucking cunt. Can’t you put a spoiler alert before ruining the whole thing for people ? Fuck you, you fat cow

    3. Fuck you bitch. How could you be so clueless to know that wasnt a spoiler. I barely got to the third episode before your fat
      ass spoiled it i hope you stub your toe so hard that ur toenail falls off i hope your pillow is warmer than the sahara dessert on both sides i hope your phone charger only works at a difficult angle you musty dusty rusty crusty abdominal abhorrent appaling distasteful dreadful foul hairy nasty horrendous stinky ugly retarded greasy horrific hideous dumb abominable awful detestable atrocious appalling astounding ghastly flip phone alone cheese zone post Malone mindblown overgrown high tone auto tune twig bone garden gnome ass. kys

  5. This is kind of scary and gory, I am very fund of Lee Seung -gi, He is a very lovable easy going person I don’t like for him to do act upon this kind of films,I watched most of his TV series and movies, he seems kind and loving, LEE seung -Gi please don’t do this kind of series or movies…I admire you, your great actor and awesome we the people support you and fall in love with you young and old. you seem very lovable and kind. keep up the good work, please stay out of this kind MOUSE of series or the movies. ( ALLAH ) ( GOD ) bless you!!! I am preying for you!!!

    1. People like you are the reason why actors can’t do what they want to do.. who do you think you are to tell him what to do. its such a shame that celebrities have to please people who have your kinda mentality to stay in the game. this movie was well acted .It had one of the highest ratings last year so what’s your problem now. if he acts as the villain does that make him a villain?? all you need is a nice drama. if you don’t like this, suck it up and watch ones that suits you.. don’t make people think that the movie isn’t nice when it is.. people like me read comments before watching every drama.. if there are people like you in every comment section then I wouldn’t watch any drama.. keep your thought to yourself. this drama was a 100 out of 10… to me

    2. This is called ACTING – it’s their job and doesn’t reflect the person there are in real life. I am always confused why people like you can’t disassociate the real person from a character from a script.??‍♀️

    3. Just because your wuss self cannot handle gore does not give you the right to tell an actor how to do their job. Well guess what? Life isn’t butterflies and rainbows and your pussy ass should be able to handle that instead of going around and telling people what is hAraM or not. If it is not your cup of tea then just get the fuck out man. People don’t always stay the same. Stop ruining other people’s experiences.

      “Oh iTs sCaRy aNd gOrY” go cry about it to your mom. Not here.

  6. I’m still hoping that it was the doctors doing because he wanted him to kill. The memories he is experiencing is the dead doctors memory. Ang the evidences he saw at his old house was put there by friend doctor

  7. What I dnt understand in ep 14 is ba reum really a killer or hallucination?pls someone should tell me is not true

    1. Yes
      Actually Ba raem is the real predator and sung yo han was innocent who went to ba raem’s house to kill him so he can’t keep on killing innocent people. The thing is than Ba raem was an emotionless guy untill he underwent the surgery where the transplanted sung yo han’s brain gave him feelings and now he can feel guilt and sorrow as well as love but untill today he had been killing innocent people to show god what he can do so yes Ba raem is the real predator who even might have killed his mother. He was ruthless until today when he started killing people who were guilty rather than the ones innocent . I don’t really have an idea of what’s gonna be the end of him.

  8. The plot of this drama surpassed my expectations. The way they fool the watchers in the end of every episode is just fun haha. Waiting for ep 13.

  9. i heard this a great drama but is it scary thou i just to make sure is a great drama i just dont want to waste time on supited drama but let me know if it a great drama

    1. It is a great one for sure you never know what is going to happen in every coming episode.It is thrilling ?

  10. OMG the end of the 4th episode literally shocked me !!! I kept thinking about scenarios that explains that scene to believe that Barum is innocent but I couldn’t think of anything logical !! But honestly this is the kind of plot twist that I love in dramas, something unexpected like this although i’m almost sure that he isn’t the murderer but he might be hiding his real personality because if he is the child of the other woman whose fetus was identified as a psychopath then he’s either a genius or a psycho