Sh**ting Stars (2022) Episode 12

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38 Comments to “Sh**ting Stars (2022) Episode 12

  1. I guess you guys haven’t watched many kdramas? heheh
    I saw some concerned comments but I think it’s the classic downhill situation before everything slowly starts coming together. Have some faith in it!
    I also thought about revealing to the public Tae Sung’s real lover, Han Byeol, instead of saying that Eun Si Woo is Tae Sung’s mother, anyone else? Since that one time they made it official from the company that he had a girlfriend… I wonder if would it be too bad to reveal their relationship?

    PD: If the people who make the subtitles read this by any chance, thank you so much! You are the best!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. dang it bro the story is going downhill…although i really REALLY hope it has a happy ending

  3. I feel like gong isn’t really trying to listen to the others. They are trying to help him, but he just keeps shutting them down bc he’s holding on to that trauma he has. I really hope he just sits down and listen to them, because they really care about him, but he’s just being stubborn.

    1. I get your point but its not as easy as you make it sound. He’s been traumatized since a very young age without really healing. He doesn’t even have a therapist either. He’s facing it all by himself. I don’t think he’s not being stubborn. I’m sure he knows that it’s the best thing for him to do at this point, but it doesn’t mean he cant get hurt from the situation.

  4. Now I know celebrities can have rumors & scandals even when they are breathing
    It’s so sad & sometimes all of us believe it *_*


  6. This is the life of a celebrity.. Whenever you write a bad word for some celebrity think about this because at the end of the day they are just humans

    1. What’s even worse is that everyone turns there back on them almost at least half of people fans are hypocrites it’s really sad you can only hope to pile in the true fans.

  7. bro, yall are so impatient. I bet it would take you quite a while if you were translating it. Stop complaining, unless your paying them. They dont get payed enough, or should i say they dont even get paid??

  8. Those people commenting for the sub you are really annoying, like can’t you wait ???? They are doing an amazing work translating and giving us sub, do you how hard it could be to translate?? I know cause it is also my job. And they are doing it for free!

  9. Chill bro. expecting a hard work done for free of charge to be delivered quickly is not good

  10. those broke ass need to realize that they are watching this show for free but expecting premium services to be delivered to them. go subscribe tvN or something u broke ass mf, or learn some korean to watch this show without sub. these entitled broke ass are an embarrassment to the online community.

  11. Thank you so much dramacool. You guys are doing a great job in subtitles to let people enjoy dramas just for free. I enjoying this drama very much. I appreciate your work. Lots of love.❤

    I really wanted to say this after seeing the comments.

  12. Wth is goin on. It kepps on getting depressing and depressing. I dont want sad ending. I started this drama becz i thought it gave bubbly and funny vibes just like how 2521 gave and we all know how it turned! The end when hanbyul was crying made me so sad .. i wanna know about that guy whme they couldn’t protect. He was an actor then what happened to him! He did sucide why? I am so freaking curious. This is getting intense why isn’t the rating increasing dnfnfbfnd this drama is so GOOD!

    1. I suggest you to be more patient… People are doing their best to give the serie subtitled. I know how hard it is, but we all need to wait patiently in order to respect those who write the subtitles for free.

  13. thank you for such amazing work dear dramacool never shut down this website ❤may yeshu bless all of you

  14. You used to be the first website to upload episodes translated, what went wrong? You take so much time now

  15. They are working hard to translate and they are doing this for free, stop complaining just be patient. It’s getting annoying

  16. They are working hard to translate and they are doing this for free, stop complaining every time just wait. It’s getting annoying

  17. y’all should understand that doing subtitles can take a long time. Just be a little bit more patient pls

  18. they have been taking so long to update subtitles, I understand that it it takes time but its been hours already 🙁