Taxi Driver (2021)

Taxi Driver (2021)

Other name: 모범택시 Mobeomtaxi Mobeomtaeksi Model Taxi Red Cage

Synopsis: The story of a mysterious taxi service that takes revenge on behalf of victims who are unable to get justice from the law.

A story about a mysterious taxi service that takes revenge on behalf of its customers who are unable to get justice from the law.

Kim Do Gi (Lee Jae Hoon) is a former SWAT officer who works as a taxi driver. He is a unique taxi driver, combining innate intuition, sanity, courage, and martial arts skills that can help him withstand many opponents.

Kang Ha Na (Isom) is a prosecutor who, like a bulldozer, fights for justice. Armed with an elite education and honesty, she has one flaw – a tendency to be aggressive when faced with injustice. While investigating the disappearance of a former prisoner, she has suspicions about the identity of the mysterious taxi driver Kim Do Gi.

Jang Sung Chol (Kim Ui Sung) is the CEO of a mysterious taxi service. He leads an operation to punish those who commit illegal acts and take advantage of the blind spot of the state justice system.

Go Eun (Lee Na Eun) is a hacker in the taxi service who knows how to find people’s personal information. She is an expert at using all digital devices, from CCTV systems, smartphones to computers, and will act like Kim Do Gi’s eyes and ears.

Also known as: 모범택시 Mobeomtaxi Mobeomtaeksi Model Taxi Red Cage/ Deluxe Taxi /Exemplary Taxi



Release Year:

Air Date: Apr 9, 2021

Genres: , ,

Starring: , ,

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81 Comments to “Taxi Driver (2021)

  1. The comment section is crazy help ? about to ignore this mess like I ignore my life’s problems and watch the kdrama.

  2. i came here to test this drama. if I find it interesting or not … well well well I found some other shit going on at the very wrong place lmao.

    1. lmao… same rxn here … i be like lets see what other people think of this drama and then ill decide… but nah here some another level shit going on lmao…

  3. I’m so confused what’s going on? Everyone is arguing saying people need to just watch and stop hating, but i see no bad comments. What’s the disagreement about? Is this a bad drama? SOMEone PLEASE TELL ME!

  4. OH MY GOD ,whats with the argument ,this movie is AWESOME REGARDLESS ,to all haters GET A LIFE WILL YA…its unbeliveable how i came to watch a movie now i see all these weird ass comments

  5. LMAOO not everyone fighting over what’s copied and what’s not and having a racist quarrel about a fictional series (whether copied or not, it was your choice to search and start watching it knowing all that).
    If you want facts, just search/watch it on your own time.
    Watch it if you want and don’t watch it if you can’t. there is no need for all these disgusting/racist opinions. Yall are really Bold Bold over the internet.
    All Love to Indians
    All Love to Pakistans
    All Love To Koreans

  6. Well damn my name is also anjali and my surname is also Mann but I feel like you all are criticizing me
    Same name and surname
    Pure coincidence
    But what she said is right why to criticize one country on theses stupid things

  7. Audacious People swarming inside comment section we people who love to watch drama here to have some quality time stop ur childish quarrel here coz every human contains red blood and water in their streams and bloodveins damn I didn’t expect to see these depressing comment.looks like some teenagers who don’t understand about life Somehow dropped here out of context

  8. PSSSSSSTTT!!PEOPLE…PEOPLE…STOP..PLEASE STOP arguing about other peoples business!!!JUST WATCH AND ENJOY the are making something out of nothing!!just enjoy watching it!! I’m sure the writer has no intention of making you guys quarrel about that indian or pakistan or are just stressing yourselves!!don’t judge someone just because of some fictional movie!!this movie is made to enjoy not to argue about nothing!..MAKE PEACE not WAR!!!???

    1. You first enrich your knowledge about Science, Climatology. You seem dumb headed. I don’t know where you are from but I doubt your schooling if you think using soap make you fair. White skin lacks melanin protein distribution and is vulnerable to UV light. Due to global warming, that’s a serious issue. You should study more about the science and reasoning behind the physical changes of inhabitants in different countries. I suggest you read genetics, anthropology, and climatic and demographic distribution. And please enrich yourself with some cultural values, you need them.

      1. yall i just came to see some revies on this series… if ya fighting then i cannot find them OR atleast you can tell me…i dont know what yall been fighting around for but it definetly doesnt have to be discussed here. We live in a very cruel,rude and disrespectful world WE JUST HAVE TO CARRY ON ….SO PLEASE TELL ME IF THE SERIES IS WORTH MY TIME

  9. stop all this country war you guys are all going to far
    first it started by Korean fans saying bad about India and then India slander but suddenly pakistan got in this
    common guys stop being childish
    move on
    and say sorry to each other

  10. guys stop this all country stuff
    we all are here to enjoy the drama but you guys make it a war here
    although this war was first Korean drama fans slandering the India but anybody will feel bad if someone insult their country
    but don’t make it a roasting platform
    let’s just forget all this and push these comments down and fill this comments section with praise for taxi driver

  11. I’m yet to see this drama. Infact i want to watch it now but what’s with all these india pakistan stuffs? I dont understand

  12. Based on the webtoon The Deluxe Taxi by Carlos and Lee Jae-jin (Mobeomtaeksi; lit. Model Taxi)

    10. “Taxi Driver” / Schedule status: From April 9

    The webtoon “Deluxe Taxi” (in Korean “모범택시”) (official English title “Red Cage”) by Carlos and KeuKeu JaeJin is adapted into the drama “Taxi Driver”. It tells the story of model taxi who takes revenge for his passengers.

  13. What’s wrong with all u guys… Instead of talking abt the series, the centre of attention shifted to all that racist stuff… Does the fact from where it was adapted change anything?… What matters r the efforts of the staff n cast of this series… Really looking forward for the next episodes… Let us all just njoy the series… “Taxi-driver” team, fighting! ✊

  14. India hadn’t value to pay debt to Pakistan but they in fact steel Pakistan,s money you are asking about are thieves by born.india had to pay 75 caror after partition but they paid only 20 carore.go and study history. Ady tusi tusi Indian my foot.

    1. Well I’m not an Indian but everybody in the world knows that India gave money to Pakistan was a matter of RBI cause both share it for 6 months after partition
      RBI didn’t gave it
      And Pakistan still had Lahore which was the most economically strong province before partition

    2. Are you sure it’s “caror” and not “crore”. Maybe focus on english rather than on history books written by sore losers??

  15. stop posting your dirty thoughts about India you filthy dogs
    India never copied Pakistan’s national anthem
    Indian national anthem was written on January 24, 1950
    and Pakistan’s national anthem was on 13 August 1954
    Indian even gave debt to pakistan while partition which is total 3 billion dollar in present value, if India had not given the money there won’t even a roof on head of pakistan’s public
    and about that sas bahu content we Indian people loves it to our core and you can’t do a thing about it ok
    and we have old mindset so what it’s even better than other countries culture where younger ones don’t even respect their older ones
    remeber one thing you guys number of old age home in India is less than 1000
    and Korea don’t even ask more than a million
    and about coping pakistan’s song Indian’s are not out of their mind taht they will copy from pakistan
    India remix it’s own old songs we don’t take begging from other OK
    Kenlyns25 you shut your fucking mouth remember India still have the sexiest man on the world
    aned India don’t even like men without mustache ok India don’t have feminine men like Korea in which you can’t even distinguish between men and women
    fucking bitch Kenlyns25
    India gave the world the numeral, Zero
    The game of Chess originated in India
    Shampoo originated from India
    India gave the cure for Leprosy
    the WiFi you all are using thanks to India
    Ayurveda originated from India
    The Yoga also cam from India
    Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun
    although most of the Korean people don’t believe in any religion but many Korean believe in Buddhism
    Buddhism and Jainism originated in India
    Indians were the first ones to describe the Fibonacci pattern of numbers
    Cataract surgery was first found in ancient India
    USB was developed and defined by Ajay V. Bhatt, who is an Indian
    India taught the world to cultivate Jute
    And described Trigonometric functions
    India gave candied sugar to the world
    without India this world is nothing

    1. India copied Pakistan’s national anthem not into their anthem but a song. Also, ain’t no one likes Indians like you who says “can’t distinguish between men and women”. Go to a eye doctor. Just because they are prettier doesn’t mean you have to be jealous. I have Indian friends who have manners unlike you, you make your country look bad. Also, India copied hundreds of songs from Pakistan, try to research. Talking about debt, India owes Pakistan too. Pakistan even offered sending 50 ambulances to India during covid despite itsy bitsy relations. The world can move on without India, we have China, US, UK, what more do we need? Haha

      1. well bareera
        now it’s time to put this fight to an end cause i don’t want you to feel bad about pakistan
        even if India copied but they are not copied even if you search they are inspired by the song and most of the song which are copied or inspired are sang by those singer whose songs India has taken and that’s not called copying that is called selling their lyrics so both sides have agreement on mutual sides

        And as for going to eye doctor i don’t need it certainly cause my eyes are really sharp

        I am certainly not jealous of them cause Indian beauties have won miss world 6 times AND INDIA ALSO HAVE MOST OF THE BEAUTIFUL FACES IN THE WORLD

        and there is not LACKING in beautiful people in India


        and i am not shaming my country

        and as for 50 ambulance they can’t compensate the lives those 40 INDIAN soldiers and their families which were killed by the terrorist of pakistan

        the world have China, USA and UK but remember the one who rises also fall terribly these countries are great but on basis of them you can’t insult India like that
        what would you do when someone says bad about your country





      2. I dont harbor any I’ll intention or hatred towards Pakistan or any other country but why you all criticize India
        Iys not that India has done any harm to you all guys or towards your country

        1. Damn Anjali which Pakistani boy hurt you. The fact you and your fellow Indians are so pressed about a single scene (a disputable one at that) is what gives India a bad name. It’s literally a scene, cut it out and it would still be a good drama. stop being such a dramatic bitch.

          1. well maybe none of the pakistani boy hurt her
            but i feel like some india guy may have dumped you
            or maybe you are a boy sitting on your bed and watching this drama after being abandoned by your sugar daddy
            o o o
            this roasting station is getting hotter

  16. Stop fighting like kids, if you want to fight do it somewhere else, stop spoiling the mood over here.

  17. Indians copy everything. They copied most Pakistan songs, they copied even the pakistani national anthem. Also they copied alot of movie scenes and songs from other movies, countries. Nothing in India is original and if it is, it is absolutely crap and makes no sense whatsoever.

    1. stop using zero cause it was invented by an Indian The great Aryabhata
      seriously what did Indians copy from you, did it copy anything from you. seriously stop throwing out your dirty thoughts. Indian is a great country and you are jealous that is why you are spouting this fucking nonsense. everything in India is original. don’t spout your nonsense about India which other country song did Indians copy, India make it’s own remix songs from old Bollywood song and if you are having that problem stop watching anything related to India and you very well know that dramacool is an illegal site so if you don’t want to loose this dramcool site shut your fucking mouth you dog food.

    2. how tf do u know that? are u an indian? do you understand what our songs and movies and stories even mean? stfu if u know nothing better. it makes sense because we understand our languages and the way things are done and made in india.

    3. Hey dumbass, dony be a sucker! If you know nothing keep your mouth shut, doesn’t seem like you ever went to school or are interested to know anything. You just want to use your fuckass baseless notions to keep going

    4. bruh….why spreading hate everywhere
      is that the reason why most of the people think of PAKISTAN as a terrorist ground.

    5. But…we copy better than you! your original wasn’t better…we have brains so we copied it and people took us seriously and loved it I know what u- mean Indians have more influence than Pakistani I AGREE ON THAT ABSOLUTELY…that’s why your actors are also coming to India so that the world takes them seriously. we are better in copying than you people. I see you really don’t like your country! discriminating it yourself in the comment section?

      “Nothing in India is original and if it is, it is absolutely crap and makes no sense whatsoever.”

      we like to keep original content to ourselves-because it makes stupid people realise they are stupid when they can’t understand it. but we really want you to see it so, that you atleast try to make world a better place when you after realising that you are stupid try to improve yourself…we are glad that you realised, hope you eat healty and get strong and smart after realsing.
      (sorry we will try to put a disclaimer next time so that you get our message and motive of the movie and songs clearly)

  18. part 4 is out with the sub thank god.
    check out my youtude channel @kdrama_jamaica for more info. xoxoxo

  19. FIRSTLY ALL THE HATE FOR INDIA REALLY HURTS THE INDIAN VIWERS Stop being racist and generalizing the indian society… its been ages since the young generation lost interest in sas bahu!!! and no-one is looking down on koreans for having a scene from similar to India cinema… we just love that there is a similar scene in indian movie too….be it a copy or not… we are happy to find a connection and are not looking down on korean or the culture… if we were, we wouldn’t be watching the k-drama…. Please think twice before spreading hate. Also if you hate men with beard please hate it all by yourself rather spread the hate on comment section… it really hurts the sentiments of the indian culture and ethinics…

      1. India is not only about Hindi Movies. It is a country of so many languages and many movie industries. Netflix and Amazon are also releasing some quality contents and web series.

    1. Most of the case they showed in this drama are real case nothing is copied from india they just had a similar case in korea

  20. And theres a lot of romantic scene in kdrama like kissing. Close up eye to eye that so sweet to watch also cringe at the same time… and i try to imagine india actor doing that and their have so weird mustache that cover their half face.. deng it i imagine that scene. It become horror. Not sweet. Omg indian who comment in this sectionl stop it. Your so indog

    1. You fucking bloody idiot your mother came to india and get fucked by indian stray dog and then you came to this world

  21. Shut the fuck up INdian people. Stop accusing korean republic who copied a scene from india. No one gonna believe that idiot.. and do you think india not copy a single one from kdrama.. theres a lot of good of kdrama and i think they copypied without knowing. So shut the fuck up indian dogs. Jeezzzzz

    1. you don’t have to be rude about it and make offensive comments…just say “i don’t believe they did that on purpose” and move on. it’s never that serious.

    2. omg u racist wtf is wrong with you. literally idc abt ur opinion but why tf ru calling indians dogs. ru fucking okay? ppl like u are so disgusting

    3. Nahhhhh this hate is just too much,, everyone always disagrees to agree but you don’t to be Racist about this situation . after all this is just some movie (fictional) . Be more of a happy human , please don’t be a saddest. STOP THE HATE AND SHARE YOUR OPINIONS PEACEFULLY !!!!!

          1. True. That is why they are still making and watching the same “saas-bahu” (mother in law/ daughter in law) crap drama’s for the past 30 years. Why will koreans copy when they are more intelligent and creative than indians? Indians cannot get past Ekta Kapoor and her like minded brain dead script writers. It’s a fact that majority of Indians have a 1940-1950 mindset until today and it’s not going to change. Koreans have countless programs from wide variety of genres.

        1. this is not inspired from the Taxi Driver that stars Robert De Niro. The movie is nowhere near from this drama’s concept. except from the character being a taxi driver. but that’s it.

        2. you idiot .. morron if you dont know just shut up.. first i am not Indian.. but this drama is copied and inspired from an indian regional movie.. i have seen this movie…. so i said.. if you have-not watch it then go and search it first…. motherfucker.. you western bloodsuckers..