My Dearest (2023)

My Dearest (2023)

Set against the backdrop of the Qing invasion during the Joseon era, “Byeongja Horan,” also known as “Weathering the War,” unfolds a romance between a noblewoman and an enigmatic man. Yu Gil Chae, once an arrogant individual from an esteemed family, initially believed she owned the affection of all men. However, her perspective shifts through the harsh realities of war, leading her to truly experience love for the first time. Enter Lee Jang Hyun, a mysterious newcomer to Neunggun-ri’s social scene. Jang Hyun conceals a complex and somber side behind his playful demeanor. Unattached to anything and anyone, his world transforms when he encounters a woman who unexpectedly opens the door to an unforeseen destiny.

Episodes: 10

Director: Kim Seong Yong [김성용]

Also known as: 연인 연인 파트 1 戀人1 Yeonin 1 Yeonin / My Dearest Part 1 / My Dearest 1 Lovers 1 / Lovers Дорама Возлюбленные



Release Year:

Air Date: Aug 04, 2023

Genres: , ,

Starring: , , , , , ,

My Dearest (2023) trailer:

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16 Comments to “My Dearest (2023)

  1. A stupid ending… as a fan of main charecter, you go down and feel his misery. May be because I like the guy. But this ending, NO.

  2. There’s a part two – but I read online that it won’t be coming out until October, so suck eggs Gil Chae, cause he’s a hottie and you fkd up lol! He’s got a new hottie in line!!

  3. Nooooooooooo this has a sad ending ??
    Great filming, great costumes, great acting, fun and then they have to ruin it with a sad ending..
    Just not ok!

  4. Well, I’m super invested in this series now…let’s hope it is consistent with its episodes and we don’t have to wait weeks for the next episode!

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