Reborn Rich (2022) Episode 11

Category: Reborn Rich (2022)

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18 Comments to “Reborn Rich (2022) Episode 11

  1. me neither, I feel so bad for both grandpa and sjk. I hope he recover quickly. in general this kind of situation need another hard situation to get ride of this amnesia

    1. I think, its the grandpa who order the kill. Since he is dying, he does not want his wish t be trampled…his wish is HIS ELDEST GRANDSON to acquire the company. So when he is dying, he wants to take his young grandson in accident.

      How did the driver knew to come and save at the very spot dashing his car in between?
      Y Grandpa got amnesia suddenly out of the blue, when he has to go to board meeting to announce his succession to the hero.

      And he told the hero NOT TO TRUST ANYONE….which means even HIM.

      And everyone knows that GRANDPA gets what he wants, NO MATTER if he has to eliminate his blood, He say how hero trampled on his daughter and other son, so he knew that hero will take the compny…so he acted and trapped

      Thats my analysis. May b wrong.

  2. Didn’t one of the Aunts get the painting I coulda sworn one of them did after that one aunt poured coffee on the other one ngl feel bad for chairman tho cuz they really trynna kill him.

  3. Grandfather acting is top notch. The drama is like a tortoise slow but steady with progress and its storyline. All of the actors are really interesting and shows different aspects of greediness making the drama worthwhile. ❤️

  4. I’m seriously getting goosebumps from all the great acting. especially the grandfather! I’m literally crying my eyes out just from the preview! There’s something about strong characters displaying weaknesses that breaks my heart. I really hope the actor playing grandpa and song joong ki get awards for this

  5. i’m really invested in this series. the writers had done good in taking advantage of historic events for the last 30 years that have affected not only the characters in the story but us as audience as well. some readers/viewers may be young to have experienced it first hand but it can never be denied that all these has happened. i really applaud also the people behind casting these actors; not one is doing a lousy job no matter how short the scene is or how elaborate the role is, every single character plays an important role.

  6. I know that Grandpa Chaebol will have to die eventually, considering that he’s old, sick, and already dead by the time the protagonist was working at Soonyang. I can also appreciate the irony of someone so strong and hardened dying in such a “humbling” way. But I really don’t want to see him grow weak, neither mentally, nor physically. He’s such a larger-than-life figure than he should die while standing, not lying down. Out of all the chaebol patriarchs I’ve seen in k-dramas, this is probably the most grounded but intriguing portrayal. So I hope he goes out with a bang and not a whimper.

  7. Extremely sad to see the condition of grandpa illness worsening. At least he is alive. I’m not excited for the next episode and would like to watch when all epiosdes end. I feel dispirited for now.

  8. I’ve Noticed that in this Drama, When an Episode Ends Something Bad Happens and Everything Gets Confusing and We, Viewers are Worried What Will Happen Next But When They Air the Next Episode, Everything Turns Good! For Example, When We all thought Min-young Betrayed Do-Jun and we All hated her but then We all were Wrong and She didn’t Betrayed Him and Once When We all thought Do-Jun is Gonna Die Because there were So Many Reasons and Evidence for him to Die But He End up Survived and Now At the End The Grandfather Lost his Memory (?) and We have No Idea What’s Gonna Happen Next Btw I REALLY LOVE the Romance Between Min-Young and Do-jun ???

  9. This final and the preview for the next ep was so fuckin sad. Grandpa looked so heartbroken at the end 🙁 And now he has no control over his own mind and body and he can’t trust his own family too……
    Dojun seems like he will be his pillar, comforting grandson who will take care of him (I HOPE SO GOD WHEN THEY FINALLY STARTED BONDING ???)
    I must say Manager Woo was the GOAT of this ep, hes was so hot ? and our little driver tho hopes he gets well soon ?

  10. Since this is not an action drama, some may feel the drama is slow or not exciting. But, I think the intrigue is in the unknown turns in the plot, particularly with the ending scenes. And, anticipating the next moment someone is going to backstab someone else. This drama revolves around greed & revenge, but it’s also interesting to see the patriarch’s storyline. He’s egotistical & believed he could control how his life and business goes and not be beaten. Instead of being taken down by others, he’s actually being beaten by a debilitating illness that he has no control over.