Like Flowers In Sand (2023) Episode 12

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18 Comments to “Like Flowers In Sand (2023) Episode 12

  1. 11 episodes about the murder, match fixing, snowball going to the reservoir, Du sik leaving the town cz of rumours that her father killed Mi ran’s father, Mi ran being mysterious, trying to figure out who actually killed her father, both girls keeping their identities secret, and finally the culprit was identified, but what a let down!!

    i was waiting for the flashbcak of y he left Mi ran alive, cz he was about to kill her and none of them had reached the cafe by that time, and did Mi ran really not know that he was hiding inside the cafe when everyone came???? he was so calm and composed looking at everyone searching for him and just like butter he made his way out of the cafe and then out of the town, how???

    and no noise, no reaction from anyone in the town that a person who was always with them, who ate with them, lived within them for years and years, turned out to be a murderer and that too, he killed someone so close to them and a little girl and a whole family had to leave the place because of that….they all make an issue and form a committee to discuss whom Baek du is meeting and dating, and there was not a single discussion over a murderer in the town….🫤🫤🫤🫤

    and his arrest, his interrogation, his punishment, nothing was shown…i was waiting for a showdown of him getting arrested and everyone apologising to Du sik and her family as to how they treated them back then, but……

  2. it was quite a stupid point…. Choi chil seong clearly knew that he killed Mi ran’s father cz he said he didn’t want to do match fixing again, and Chil seong did the same thing and walked away….I mean what made him think that he won’t kill him??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  3. I really liked him, he’s so handsome 🥰🥰😍😍 and I was shipping him with Mi ran, he was with her since the start, was protecting her as well but they didn’t show anything between them ☹️☹️☹️

    I wanna see him in more dramas….

  4. This drama was all around good. It was light & funny, beautiful story too. Jang Dong-Yoon and Lee Joo-Myoung had excellent chemistry.

  5. So ep 12 was perfect for me it had suppense and made you wonder if Bd was going to win
    Not going to lie I didnt realize in Championship match you had to win more that all the other matches so I thought he lost at first
    So a thing I never comment on in all 12 episodes is the amazing job the kid actors did by being younger versions of adult actors. So many dramas try to make the older actors like school kids in uniforms and they might be late 20s 30s this was fresh change having kids play themselves
    I am going to miss this drama and I dont even care what happens to leads going forward they both confessed and shared nice kiss thats good for me in 12 ep drama
    All the adults did what they said was going to happen 20 years in the future

  6. I wish they have extra scene with baekdu’s family 🙁 They’re my favorites in this drama. I want to see how they celebrate baekdu’s victory

  7. the latest episode download link return error 404.
    in fact all dramas in the past 3 days either “no download link” or error 404.
    thanks admin

  8. This was a 10/10 drama for me. My only wish would be for the romance to have developed faster. I feel robbed of seeing Du-Sik awkward and cutely being in a relationship. Also I felt good having correctly guessed the villain. He was always my suspect number 1. His character was always lowkey suspicious and I doubt they’d use that actor for a character with so little screen-time unless he’s divisive.

  9. More or less, I enjoyed the drama. I liked the comfortable, familiarity the inhabitants of the town shared with one another. It was constantly on display every episode, none more evident than seeing everyone together in that bus awaiting the announcers every word radiating fear and anxiety mixed with joy and pride~

    It was a strange thing though. With the setting of the drama as it was, I almost feel now that the mystery of the murders was out of place. It didn’t fit. It wasn’t needed. For me, DS and BD commanded the screen easily with a word I do not use lightly because its redundant and comes out too easily for most. But here, the ‘chemistry’ between the pair throughout the drama looked and felt undeniable. Her answer was what I was waiting for and I got my happy ending on multiple fronts. I got nothing else to say~ 😊

  10. The ending was rushed. No neighbours talking/gossiping about the murderer, no BD family happiness after he win the title. Why she returned the first time? What was that meeting in his family house? When she become such friend with BD mother? Usually in K-drama this is a big thing, unmarried woman visiting house with bachelors. I guess this meeting mean something, but BD couldn’t understand what. He keep telling her to go to Seoul. When she tell him, that if he ask her she will not go back to Seoul. She expected him to ask her to stay. So he is saying her to go back to Seoul, and in the same time he want answer from her about his feelings? And what was that ending? Open ending? They love each other, but then what? We have to guess. I am choosing this ending, they both go to Seoul. His career is ending, so it is the best option. I think.

  11. there were some episodes that i was pushing myself to watch it but im glad i did cuz i loved the last two episodes and the ending, love the cast aswell and they did a great job with the acting 👏🏼 👏🏼 8.5/10 for me🤗