Convenience Store Heroes (2022) Episode 4

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7 Comments to “Convenience Store Heroes (2022) Episode 4

  1. Please live in deserts ? colonies sea colonies never ? ever put one stone in an agricultural land
    The UN must set a rule about that

    Agricultural land must be a natural reserve never ? ever to be built on

    Please when living in sea ? do not pollute it

  2. Please forward this every religion preachers please 

    I extremely hate to spend money ? on my self long long time a go whenever my ex husband ask me to by clothes for my self I always tell him give the money ? for the needy my wedding i refused to rent any place i made it freely in a mosque ? and made a free food for the needy people it was public feast my marriage party ? was a free feast to the needy

    I am so shy ? ☺️ how would i will meet GOD

    Mother always tells me A person who lives only for him self is a person that does not deserve to be born
    When society evaluate you according to prices of what you dress of what you poses
    Morality exterminates 
     Consumptions will exceeds 
    Hungry ? people numbers will exceed 

    Instead o f buying expensive clothes expensive watches 

    Be responsible make projects for poor people can feed them selves can lead a reasonable life
    Consumption lead the necessity for money the greater you consume the greater you be greedy the more you need to scavenger the more you r probably will enter to war the more you lose your self the more you get away ??‍♀️ far from being on the GOD SIDE in ETERNITY

    Modesty self saturated in consumption never satisfied of your deeds happy with what you have greedy to receive GOD acceptance

    I think ? is the wright road for healthy existence in this life and the eternity
    I lived all my existence try to know GOD
    Trying to learn his wisdom
    Frankly speaking had there been no GOD i would have wished never ? ever to exist

    If you r convinced please ask all religious preachers to preach so


    1. Confrences are the best location to improve informations so please build all international universities in a pentagon or a circle ⭕️ where all their buildings shoulders side by side in clean ? nun mining deserts ? of a lime stone base with a rule that any person can enter it attend it certificates only for those who pays ? but stay in the backiest seat ? around which let accommodation grows for the hall world to stop ? people from building on agricultural ?‍? lands let there be no a big money for beauty healthy salons and spa resorts . You need the needy a well known fact out of necessity inventions come give them all the way for improving you and them selves let it be by the sea ? side and let there be magnificent expensive lovely ☺️ extremely ? ? activities freely for those who gets the full marks . wish countries of agriculture ?‍? lands to emigrate to those oases . I need king ? Charles to apologise for the ruing islamic countries and pay money ? for the occupation of our countries and the subsidies and maintenance ?‍? of corrupted institutions in all our countries . Kings ? of the world you r responsible of ruining world economy , installing in your citizens the necessity to by expensive possessions to prove they are high as you are instead of spending on the hunger you caused the hunger , instead of spending on needy you forces them to pay ? taxes for your own living under which low on earth is that conceivable

    2. Confrences is the best location to improve informations so please build all international universities in a pentagon or a circle ⭕️ where all their buildings shoulders side by side in clean ? nun mining deserts ? of a lime stone base with a rule that any person can enter it attend it certificates only for those who pays ? but stay in the backiest seat ? around which let accommodation grows for the hall world to stop ? people from building on agricultural ?‍? lands let there be no a big money for beauty healthy salons and spa resorts . You need the needy a well known fact out of necessity inventions come give them all the way for improving you and them selves let it be by the sea ? side and let there be magnificent expensive lovely ☺️ extremely ? ? activities freely for those who gets the full marks . wish countries of agriculture ?‍? lands to emigrate to those oases . I need king ? Charles to apologise for the ruing islamic countries and pay money ? for the occupation of our countries and the subsidies and maintenance ?‍? of corrupted institutions in all our countries and of making universities education extremely Expensive on your citizens why r you forcing your citizens either to be ignorant or spending their life crippled because of the debts ? .
      you r responsible of ruining world economy , instead of installing in your citizens the necessity to by expensive possessions to prove they are high as you are instead of spending on the hunger ,you caused the hunger , instead of spending on needy you forces them to pay ? taxes for your own living under which low on earth is that conceivable

        1. King Charles i truly apologies for speaking with the Europenian way not the eastern humble way who gave me the wright to be snobbish in my tone who gave me the wright to have a sharp tongue ? a good person make you love ? to be good ? not repel you away out of hurt ? i was bad thinking ? i am good and rightios beg you so much to forgive my rudeness beg of you gentleman the king of Great Britain ?? change the situation for the love of your people and humanity