Who Rules The World (2022) Episode 5

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2 Comments to “Who Rules The World (2022) Episode 5

  1. I’m so confused, so Hei Fengxi is actually the 2nd prince? And he’s pretending to be weak in health and harmless? But how does he get away with double identities when he doesn’t hide his face in all his interactions? He’s not low profile at all as Hei Fengxi. And he’s also one of the 4 gentry… so there’s actually only 3 gentry members and he holds two spots with each identity or did the guy just miscount? I’m also getting confused with the name Feng… someone pls explain

    Also how does Bai and Hei get reknowned for their martial arts for the past decade? Aren’t they still very young and under other masters? How did their skills surpass their masters?